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Vanity Fair 2008 Dhani Harrison Shoot.....

 I am obsessed with the 1960s. I have been since I was a little girl. I spent all morning googling images of Patti Boyd and George Harrison from when they were a couple. I just love the clothes. I then came across this photoshoot from Vanity Fair 2008. They used George Harrison's actual son (who is fit as fuck by the way) Dhani Harrison for the shoot and then some blonde model for Patti.


I don't mean to be flippant by referring to the female model as 'some blonde model' but the only place I can find the images is written completely in Spanish and all I managed to translate was the Dhani Harrison and Vanity Fair bit! Although a re-google has now informed me that it was 2009. So who knows. If you do, please contact and I can correct it!

But yeah.....also....when I was a teenager, I used to think George Harrison was one of the most beautiful men (circa '67) and his son is the image of him.

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