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Yaaaay, happy new 2012 every body, 
I am so excited for a new year and hope that 2012 will be a good year for me and my family

Anyway, onto polishy things, 2011 was the year of the crackles ( I think many of you will agree when I say I'm all crackled out ) and it looks like 2012 will be the year for magnetic polishes and flakies and I am certainly not complaining about that ( I can never see myself tiring of flakies ) 
It would be nice to see some lovely holo's this year but that may be asking a bit too much ! loll 

Ok, so this is a very quick mani I did, New years is the only time i ever wear gold nail polish loll ! 
My 0 is a bit dogded, I forgot to take pictures after i fixed it ! 

2 coats of OPI bring on the bling and the rest is acrylic paint 

I wish you all a very happy 2012 and hope it brings you lots of happiness and joy : )  

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