Anushka Shetty has impressed her fans and movie lovers with her fabulous performances in movies like Arundhati, Baahubali, Rudhramadevi, Vedam, Panchakshari, Size Zero, Bhaagamathie, etc. The beautiful and talented actress has mostly been seen playing women-oriented roles in her movies and gave out strong messages through them. Now according to the latest buzz in the film industry, Anushka Shetty is in the talk of another woman-centric movie.
According to the latest reports, Anushka Shetty is all set to play the lead role in yet another woman-centric film which will be directed by a debutant director. The reports are coming that Anushka will be seen essaying a never-seen-before role in this upcoming untitled film, which will be bankrolled by UV Creations. If everything will go accordingly, the official announcement regarding this news project of Anushka will be made soon.
Meanwhile, Anushka Shetty is awaiting the release of her much-awaited movie Nishabdham which has Madhavan in the lead role. Baahubali girl is playing a mute artist, Sakshi in the film in this mystery-thriller drama. Madhavan is playing a celebrity musician Anthony, Michael Madsen will be seen as a Seattle PD cop Richard Dickens whereas Subbaraju as a Wildlife Photographer Vivek.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood
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