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Bath bomb dyes a girl's skin pink!

I saw photos of this woman being circulated on Facebook and immediately ignored it. I'm so sick of click bait on social media that I just ignore any links that don't tell me everything I need to know immediately without clicking!!!!

However this isn't a click bait thing.

This girl took a photo of herself after misusing a Lush product on her skin. She tweeted the company and this started a twitter war of girls posting their pink skin to the company.

The product in question is Razzle Dazzle bath oil which comes in a solid pink glittery lump. It is meant to be diluted into water but I am presuming that this was applied directly to the skin or not diluted.

I have to say I agree with Beaut.ie who were saying that there are very few natural ingredients that could result in this much color! Which is an interesting take given that Lush market themselves as a natural company with all natural ingredients. Mind you, it might be, who knows.
Lush did an interview with the Metro in the UK which actually made me laugh. 'Our products are trying to achieve a lovely color in the bathwater without colouring the person soaking in that bathwater. It is a calculation that has to take into account different hair and skin types, different types of bath equipment and the different ways that people might choose to use a product.'

Which is fair enough as the girl in question has admitted to not using the product correctly.  The best part was this : 'We are as red in the face as Abi that our bath melts has been mistaken for a soap.'


The Metro also reported that the colour ingredient in the bath bomb used was colour 45410 which is used to create the neon flamingo pink colour seem on Abi's skin.

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