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Check On's Sunday Dinner


Sunday lunch is a British institution. Across the nation, every week houses are filled with the sweet, sweet scent of roasting meat, crispy potatoes and thick, rich gravy. Mmmmm.

However, throw in a puréed version of veg, some fried pork balls and not to mention a heavy dose of alcohol, and you get a 21st century Sunday Dinner- just maybe don't invite your granny round for this one.


Check On are a travelling popup catering company, who I first fell in love with at Feast. They came into my life with sweet dippy eggs, but now they were back with their Sunday Dinners; a 4 course feast at the Dead Dolls Club. There are 3 different event types, centred around a different meat- chicken, pork or beef.

There was no contest in my eyes, and so Pigsaw it was!


Now, back home we would probably start by sticking the kettle on for a nice cuppa, but at Dead Dolls Club, it's all about the cocktails. And how could you not have a tipple when you feel like your in Alice in Wonderland! 


With my Northern belly rumbling, the first course began. 

Pork Balls coated in ginger, garlic, spring onion with a sour apple dip. Extremely tasty, but only 3? I could have ate at least a couple more boxes of these beauties.

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However, I need not have worried for long as we were soon presented with a very un-grandma looking next course.

A thick slab of black pudding, with mushy pea purée and pea shoots and English mustard dressing.

I know some people are funny about black pudding, but I say more fool them. Its a delicious delicacy. 

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Now, I'm all for a cocktail or two, but Sunday Dinner does seem to require a good cup of...


Not tea! Not tea!

A cheeky cocktail teacup.


Having drunk a few of those, shhhh, its 'tea', the holy grail of Britain came out. Cry's of relief could be heard around the country, a traditional rolled roast pork loin and  pork belly, complete with stuffing, pine nuts and lashings and lashings and lashings of gravy (I'm northern OK).


And of course those all important roast tatties.

My mouth of in heaven. I haven't had a roast dinner since coming to London, as the effort for one person is too much, so I savoured every sweet mouthful. Suddenly, I felt rather home sick... for about 2 minutes as I was distracted by the Black Rice Pudding presented to me.


A ball of fudge and mini marshmallows, very random, but heaven on a plate.

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Feeling that post Sunday dinner warmth wash over us, we sat back and nattered like families and friends should on a Sunday. Maybe not normally surrounded by a giant dolls house, but when the place is this cool, and the food is that damn good, who cares about tradition! Sorry Britain, the roast will never be the same.

On until 20th April, Check On's Sunday Lunches tickets here

The Dead Doll's Club
35 Hoxton Square
N1 6NN
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