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There's a problem that I have with the television series The Bachelor and it's companion television series The Bachelorette
1.  For starters, both the Bachelor and the Bachelorette are both encouraging the assorted Competetors (Female for the Bachelor and male for the Bachelorette) to open up and confess everything---Leaving nothing out.  After having the poor shmuck fall deeply in love, both the Bachelor and the Bachelorette will reject and breakup with the Competitor (female for the Bachelor and male for the Bachelorette) without explanation why they were rejected.  In other words, the Competitor (female for the Bachelor and male for the Bachelorette) must open up the hearts mind and souls, but the Bachelor and the Bachelorette doesn't need to talk about anything significant. 
2.  Plus, all these amazing romantic dating experiences are talked about in bragging terms by both the Bachelor and the Bachelorette as if it was their idea and they had the cash to afford it.  When reality, it was conceived and executed by the television series producer.   
3.  When encouraging the Competitors (female for the Bachelor and male for the Bachelorette) to stab each other in the back trying to stay alive in the competition.  The must ruthless, the most heartless and the most insincere gets the wedding ring.  Oh come on, how many times has ruthless, heartless and insincere behavior have been needed in holy matrimony?  None?  In other words, Competitors (female for the Bachelor and male for the Bachelorette) who actually might make a great spouse loses the game and Cometitors (Female for the Bachelor and male for the Bachelorette) who make horrible easy to divorce spouces wins the game.  It's no wonder most of the Bachelor and Bachelorette arranged marrages either never reach the alter or ends up in an early divorce.
4.  I get cash prizes for winning the Bachlorette and getting her to accept the wedding ring.  Who cares if I hate her guts.  I won the game show and got a cash prize.
Honestly, is it a good idea to trivilize holy matrimony into a sleazy game show?

While I'm lost in thought about reality television shows, here are some photos of television actress Sarah Hyland.

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