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Bodysuits (Part 7) Now They're Body Stockings!

Body suits - everyone's favorite style of apparel form the 70s.  They appeared in the 60s, but it was during the 70s that their evolution blossomed in full. Starting as the basic bodysuit, they morphed into body shirts, body blouses, and even.....body stockings!!

Yep, Kathy looks fantastic in this red body stocking!  I'm not sure about the description "Total coverage from throat-to-toe."  Yes, this "rib-hugging, curvy, one-color look" is indeed the "ideal way to pull together an outfit." (1)

More body stockings from Speigel!  Karen dazzles in a "bodysuit of 1-piece stretch nylon."  Sounds absolutely suffocating.  As a bonus check out the "Insta-gators" in the lower right corner. (2)

Of course, there is a thin line between a one piece bodysuit and your basic leotards.  I'm not sure where that line is or whether it really matters that much or not.   Here Kathy opted for the more traditional body suit look.

Either as body stockings or leotards, they apparently only come in solid (and very bright) colors. (Re-blogged from ThePeopleHistory.Com)

Another "Throat-to-toe" style body stocking.  This time worn by Joanne.  Meanwhile Kathy and Kay seem pleased to be wearing the regular bodysuits.  As a bonus check out the box behind Kathy about the 1972 Olympics. (3)


(1) Pic is courtesy of Blue Senshi.  Thanks!  Before 1974, Sears put out two versions of their Big Book catalogs.  This pic is from the larger of the two and is in color.  What did the B&W version look like, you ask?
Yeah, I know.  The color version is MUCH better.

(2) I don't know if you remember the "gators" where you could turn shoes into boots.  It's one of those ideas that sounds good in theory but doesn't work so great in practice.

(3) That was when the Olympics was an extension of the Cold War.  One really cared whether the Norwegian skier or the Czech skier won the biathlon because the Norwegian was on "our" side and the Czech was on "their" side.   Now, it's like "who cares".  They're all professionals and sponsored by corporations.

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